Monday, January 31, 2011

The spark in her eyes,the fire of her soul...
reflecting from his eyes,like the brilliance of the diamond,fading everything else into oblivion...
His voice,caressing,whispering into her ears,his hands entwined into her hair,making her come to life...
Gentleness of her murmurs,tenderness of her touch weaving,creating magic in their world of ordinary...
The magic of the moment,overtaking the darkness,completing the circle of life...
The tremble of her being,holding onto him,holding,embracing him for ever...
The tear of ecstacy dropping down into his palms,like the shooting star,falling,fulfilling,the deeply desired desires...
The complete surrenderence,the joy of victory....
The complete moment,yet yearning for more...
maybe in this lifetime and life times beyond....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


सोते जगते.रोते हँसते ,हर लम्हा,एक ख्याल जो हमेशा साथ रहता है,
मेरा साया वो नहीं,पर साया बन साथ रहता है...
सोचा कई बार की दूर कहीं छोड़ आऊं उसे कहीं,
कदम उठते ही वापिस,आगोश में ले लेता है वही,
पहले से ज्यादा,और पहले से गहरे,अपने ही भवर में छोड़ देता है कहीं,
सोचा था ख्याल शायद ख्वाब ही होगा,या ख्वाब की तरह आंख खुलते ही खो जाएगा कहीं,
लेकिन खुली आंख में भी वो ख्वाब,ख्याल बनकर ,उन अश्कों से पलकों को भिगो देता है कहीं...